vendredi 24 juillet 2015

Mad Max review

Been a long time I watched an American movie. My computers had problems(hacks) lately and I was not able to watch movies and my old laptop was I think too slow for HD movie probably because of hacks. Last time I've go the the theater, the public transport lamed me up(with God help) and I walked like 7 hours to go back home. And now because of my new political development, I need to be very careful about what I'm watching because some movies are not suitable for our world imo. So I decided that Mad Max was for sure not bad for our health and the violence acceptable since I say that we need to be axed.

The movie start with a scene that lack a bit of sense imo: They just catch Max like if he running a bmx. But this is just the start with the lack of sense and this movies: There is a lot of part that does not make any sense plus the 27 bs that is probably only for my version: At some point, why the evil army of cars does not catch Max in the van after they cached Max van easy from a far away checkpoint. What is the scene that trow water or gaz(?) from the mouth of Max and the other fanatic that have turn good into the car pipe. So these scenes make no sense and plus 2 scene that I say them 27 and like I said probably just for me otherwise I guess they do this for making fun of the mass or other reason I need to think about and found out.

But aside the non sense the movie is a great art; A nice piece of technologies; Well done action scene with great sound effect. The actors are great too; They're all great. Plus the theme that is quite funny and sound to be kind of realistic: I mean, I'm sure that if God would allow humans to do whatever they want, such maniac could exist.

The story is kind of cool. Again there is some non sense: Going back to face an army with 5 soldier is non sense. But aside this part, the story is cool stuff. I have quit 15 minutes earlier because of the blood transfusion scene that made me sick but I'm gonna watch the rest later.

The girls are ok in this movie.

And lucky for me: There is girls in the movie so I'm happy. And they did a nice job in the movie. To not count that the primary role is almost share with a men and a girl. I can even say that the main girl, Charlize Theron is a bella wich is nice. All the rest are ok wich is 3xplus at least. And there is the red hair that is a 3/4 pretty which is great. But again like always, and as lame as it is, no sing of the pretty which is probably call very pretty or hot in the current culture.

Charlize Theron:

Charlize Theron in the movie:

The red hair, (Can't find name or photo):

God said lately that I would understand what the hell they do in this movie and in this movie I clearly understood a message: They loose their fanatic soldiers on "just" the sight of girls. Watch the movie and notice the fanatic that almost killed himself for the great lord and than when he meet the red hair girl 2 seconds, he turn good. Plus, the funny thing is, it's the red hair which is the most prettiest girl of the whole that he is match.

So I give a 6/10 for this movie and it hit 8/10 on imdb and I'm surprise of this. I need to say about the score that even if I give this low score it could be a real nice movie for younger people; I'd probably recommend this to my child with a lower mental state than me(because of xp) and it would be a nice experience for them. At my age, I think I see more fault and I need more from a movie I guess.

Next check point, the new Jurassic park!